House Church

House Church

When you invite others into your home group, you become a House Church

As a family grows in faith, wisdom, knowledge, and practice, they naturally invite others to join them, for Bible studies, prayer, praise and worship.

34A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also love one another. 35By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

John 13:34-35

You still meet in your homes, or wherever you like, but invite others. Over time you meet, study, pray, and worship—and care for each other. You become a church, and as you grow, you’ll want to do more.

Small groups are how big churches helps their members relate to and care for each other. A house church is just a small group and there’s lots of ways you can connect with others.

Tapestry Home shows you lots of ways you can share your faith. You decide when, where, and with whom.

What does a house church do?

Gather. Meeting regularly is important. Like any small group, you set the pace and determine what you do and why. Book club, bible study, coffee meet or BBQ, a house church is simply you, sharing your faith and having fellowship, inviting others outside your home group. We show examples and share tools to communicate and run a meeting.

A house church is what you define it to be. It doesn’t have to mean that you and your family are running a traditional service, with the worship band, pastor, sermons, communion and altar call.

Some are called to start a church, and using our platform certainly helps you do that, but many small ministries are created using Tapestry Home, as well. Keep it simple and grow into what God’s calling you to be.

Teach. We inspire, train, and equip house churches with content, tools, and resources that help you manage and communicate.

Pray. Prayer works and helps us understand the needs of the people we meet with and brings us together. We provide tools and examples of how you can use the power of prayer to better care for each other. When we start praying for our neighbors and community around us, we open a dialog with God that addresses issues we face, heals, and begins recovery.

Study. Many small groups use Bible studies to share God’s Word and discuss and contemplate what it means to us. There is a huge variety of content to help the house church study what you choose and these often include video content. Study can be as simple or as in depth as you decide.

Worship. Watch how others praise and worship in their homes. We offer resources that encourage your home to be filled with His presence. Choose what works for you, from listening to a song together to holding your own service.

Live. Sharing your faith with others in your home connects us and forms community, as God calls us to be.

Have you been called?

We’ve been taught that you have to be a Priest or a Pastor to lead a flock, but we believe that we’re all called to share our faith and server our families and neighbors. We built Tapestry Home to help you bring God into your homes and be there for those you love.

For those of you who are called to ministry, Tapestry Home can train, commission, and ordain. We’re not all called to lead a church. We can help with tools to grow into a ministry, form a non-profit.

What does it mean to be led by Christ or the Holy Spirit? Like a tiny mustard seed, we grow into what God wants us to become and Tapestry Home is here to help.

I bet you’re reading this because you feel called to something greater. Whether it’s leading a household to be more faithful or a deeper calling to live a life of purpose. We can help you get there.

“I had next door neighbors that never spoke and wouldn’t even make eye contact. I started praying for them, by name, and then one day, my neighbor said Hi and we struck up a conversation. Over the next few weeks, I learned they had health issues, a tough pregnancy, and finally had a new daughter. We shared faith and I prayed for them and with them on their driveway. I know in my heart, that God answers prayers and wants us to know our neighbors.”
